Magnificent Mavens – the 2022 Holiday Box booster set – combines dozens of popular cards from previous sets with new cards for Sky Strikers, Mayakashis, Witchcrafters, and Ishizu Ishtar’s Deck from the original animated series!

The all-foil Ultra Rare booster set includes new cards for these 4 themes, plus dozens of cards available once again, including hot cards like Black Luster Soldier – Soldier of Chaos, Swordsoul of Mo Ye, Traptrix Sera, and Blue-Eyes Abyss Dragon.

Each box of Magnificent Mavens contains:
* 1 pack of 70 card sleeves (1 of 6 new sleeve designs for Sky Strikers, Mayakashis, or Witchcrafters)

* 4 booster packs with 5 Ultra Rare cards per pack

Select cards are also available in the Egyptian Hieroglyphic Pharaoh’s Rare Ultra Rare foil style.

Magnificent Mavens
・カードスリーブ70枚(閃刀姫×2、魔妖×2、ウィッチクラフト×2の6つから1つ) ×1個
・ブースターパック (ウルトラレア仕様 / 5枚入り) x 4パック
※混沌の戦士 カオス・ソルジャー、相剣師-莫邪、セラの蟲惑魔、深淵の青眼龍などが収録